’Macrocosm and Microcosm’ is the idea that there is a corresponding similarity in pattern, nature, or structure between human beings and the universe. Just as Pythagoras claimed; the universe and the earth are of the same pattern.

By observing one relation we ultimately gain knowledge of a reflected whole. We see the same patterns reproduced in all levels of the cosmos; from the largest constellation all the way down to the tiniest subatomic substance.

When looking at the micro, scientists have known for years that atoms are intelligently driven particles of energy which can discriminate and choose. Atoms have cognitive abilities that can select, reject, attract and repulse. They also demonstrate the abilities of sensation, movement and desire. The same is true of our entire physical body - a collection of spinning atoms, together forming an intelligent group consciousness. When looking to the body we see that every atom has its own cognitive ability, capacity and intelligence.

Through the understanding that we are a microcosm of the macrocosm, shifts in consciousness begin to occur, and we can see that it is possible to live a life that is connected and flowing in the rhythm of the totality of self. We all have the capacity to learn how to consciously tap into the same power that drives the entire universe. Yet, in order for this state of coherence and connection to occur, we must move into alignment with ourselves and our innate nature, understanding that we are at one with the world, and not separated from it.

Through working with the mind and body energetically, we can bring into full awareness the unconscious belief systems, patterning and constructs which have been running our lives, and consciously shift that which is out of alignment. A change of awareness, can bring about a paradigm shift, and the subsequent reordering and harmonising of our energetic bodies. 

When we learn what interferes with our natural state of balance, we can see that emotions, past experiences and trauma all play a role. When our emotions are in balance, our bodies maintain homeostasis and function harmoniously. When we repress, deny, judge or block our emotions, the energetic pathways within the body become clogged or blocked, and this information is stored within our cells. Our behaviour therefore runs our biology. 

In addition to this, the process of conditioning can also bring us out of alignment.  Over time it is easy to develop a short-sighted vision and ideas of our identities, believing that we are our labels and roles.

We are also what we identify with. If we can change what we perceive, we have the capacity to change what we experience. And ultimately, we are much more than what we think we are.

When we learn how to move in the world from the place of the heart, the true self with expanded awareness, our focus shifts to that of truth and what we know to be right. 

If we were to view ourselves here on earth, we can understand that we are an infinite stream of consciousness all having our own experience and observing reality from our different points of view.  To zoom further out, we are actually all points of attention in that same one consciousness. 

With the advances of technology and culture it is now more important than ever to return back to ourselves, and learn how to utilise our individual innate intelligence. This inborn wisdom from the body is something that we all have access to.

Each one of us has a unique set of qualities, here to support and enhance life on earth.