“As someone who has been on a healing journey for over 20 years, I can honestly say that finding Valquiria has been the missing link for me, and in more ways than one. She is able to work with, and release, patterns of stress that are holding the body in a certain state of (dis)functioning. The beautiful manner in which she articulates so succinctly what is happening in the body, helps you find an understanding that allows changes to be made that are deep and lasting. I can’t thank enough the series of synchronicities that brought me to her! She is a true healer. Thank you V!” - Gabi

“Thanking you for all of your support throughout our journey for the birth of our baby boy who has now arrived safe and sound. We couldn't have done it without you. You truely have a special healing gift which allowed me to manage, and heal from, high levels of stress and to give me the confidence to attempt another pregnancy. I hope that you have the opportunity to help many others especially those facing difficulties with fertility or maintaining pregnancy.” - Michelle

“I have been fortunate enough to have met valquiria by recommendation through a family friend. 

Valquiria is highly intuitive and knowledgeable in her field of practice. Her passion for the healing arts is unique and has been fundamental in my journey, to assist and  release old emotions and physical symptoms. It’s difficult to describe the physical and inner energy shifts I experience after each and every session.  Im in my sixth session of the needle detox program and already feeling much more vitality than I have in many years

Your work has had such positive impact. I’m truly grateful for the work and insight you share. 

Thanking you for the love and wisdom." - Susie

“My life has been modified and readjusted onto the path I require to achieve my goals. Valquiria helped me release so much pain, anger, anxiety and stress.

As an audio engineer, Valquiria understood that my language is very focused around acoustics and sound and was able to communicate with me in the way that I understood which helped me change my outlook on the world for the better. .

I was scattered and unable to focus on my work. I would procrastinate my tasks. I am now able to instantly divert my attention and focus on the task at hand.

I am calm and happy. I no longer respond as often to anger and hatred in a defensive manner but rather a compassionate one.” ~ Rebecca

“I can’t thank V enough for her wisdom, guidance, support and healing. This woman is a true healer. She's filled with integrity and works in absolute alignment.
I’ve been having sessions for about 3 months now, and the changes that I have experienced over this time have been nothing short of profound.  
Through the treatments I have been making connections with un- conscious aspects of myself which have been hidden.
Through the conversations and acupuncture, awareness has been brought to the hidden parts of myself which need shifting/ healing, and as the sessions progress I can see how I’m feeling even more aligned and connected with all aspects of life. I’m also grateful for the wisdom that V has communicated over the sessions, particularly her understandings of reality, energy, and evolution. It's inspiring work which she lives and embodies.

I'm very lucky that our paths have crossed. Thank you  so much  V!” - Prue

“You’ve set such powerful changes in motion within me and helped me understand and accept the pain associated with my growth. Your energy is resonating daily around me. My state of flux is remarkably less stressful because your explanations are so easily digestible.” - Lisa

The confidence that those sessions have brought to me to understand my own intuition and to listen to the queues that my intuition has brought me through a physical manifestation within my body or through life lessons to teach me that I am either on the right life path, or have strayed.

More than anything, I am grateful for the compassion and lessons that you have brought through those sessions. Never have you deviated from providing fearless advice which I believe is important in the relationship of practitioner and client.” - Sophie

“A serendipitous meeting brought Valquiria into my life at a time when I was incredibly vulnerable, full of despair and doubt. After living through huge personal grief and loss, alongside confronting early childhood trauma, I was ready to give up on my healing path to numb it all with medication. Thankfully I started seeing Valquiria and within the first couple of treatments I had regained agency over my life and was so grateful that I had connected with her. 

Valquiria is a remarkable healer who has vast technical knowledge alongside a strong sense of intuition, presence and knowing that simply cannot be taught. Valquiria is unique, generous and incredibly gifted. She has helped me to heal and has gifted me with the most valuable lesson of all, which is that I am my greatest healer. Her treatments and energy work has shown me that my body’s intelligence is infinite, and that with support I can heal my own mind, body and soul. Thank you so much V for helping to bring me back to life, to celebrate all the shades, glorious beauty and wonder!” - Sarah  

“ I just want to let you know how appreciative I’m for all that you’ve shown and thought me!I could never have imagined I would ever get to such a peaceful, grounded place like I’ve in such a short span of time. But it feels bloody great!!!You’ve also gotten me to my goal of conquering restless legs and falling pregnant and I think I’m still in a giddy disbelief about the last one. You guided me through some hard times that didn’t even seem that hard after my sessions with you. With your help, guidance, patience and wisdom, you have gotten me to this place and I am so grateful for that.” - Claire

“My experience with Valquiria has been life changing. For years I struggled, trying to cope with the tragic loss of my partner. I was very sad and unhappy and lost my lustre for life. I gained weight and felt like everything was going down hill. I could not release my pain and sadness no matter how much I worked on it or how many therapies I tried. Valquiria helped me to drop a lot of negative energy and fears stuck in my body. She used a mixture of Acupuncture and Egyptian healing. She often gave me homework to do between sessions and the result has been amazing. I am joyful and happy to be alive again. I feel like myself and really positive about the future. I’ve lost weight and am now eating healthy very easily. This therapy was the best time and money I ever spent. I’m so grateful for the master level, expert care I have received and have no hesitation recommending Valquiria to all my friends and family, which I have done.” - Stella